ATTN: Busy, Overworked Moms!

Ready To Stop Feeling Overworked, Overwhelmed And “Over It”?

Discover The 4-Step System To Ditching The Mom Guilt, Living Life To The Fullest…While Still Finding Time To Make It To Your Kids Soccer Practice Or Piano Recitals

Most Moms Live Their Lives In A State Of Stress, Overwhelm…And A Never-Ending “To-Do” List!

As mothers, MOST of us have a hundred and one items on our to-do lists every single day…

…And that’s just when it comes to our children and our home!

Every day, we’re overwhelmed with thoughts like…

"I wish I could spend more time with my daughter..."

"If only I could go back I wouldn't miss her ballet recital..."

"Being a Mom shouldn't feel like this should it?"

When it comes to work, volunteering, social lives, building our businesses (or side hustles!), and making time for everything else in our lives…

…Well, it gets overwhelming pretty quickly!

As a result, we feel tired, stressed and overwhelmed at the end of each day. We don’t have the energy to do anything but drop in front of the TV and scroll through our phones…

We battle headaches, get sick more frequently and wonder why we’re just “not feeling ourselves”...

And to make matters even worse, we’re bombarded with images and stories of successful moms who “do it all”.

After all, you “have the same hours in the day as Beyoncé” right?

So, as a result, you feel that, if you just “work harder”, you’ll finally be able to do it all.

And that just leaves you cranky, burnt out and even LESS productive than you were before.

What gives!?

There Has To Be A Better Way…

As it turns out, working harder doesn’t always equal results.

Without the RIGHT systems in place, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and burnt out.

And if I’m being real with you- I experienced this exact same issue myself!

As a mom, wife, business owner and homesteader, I have a LOT of things on my plate.

And for years, I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water- let alone actually thriving and ENJOYING my life.

It wasn’t until I started taking a systematic, structured and CUSTOM approach to my life, that everything started falling into place.

That means no “cut and paste” systems from that other mom-blogger online…

Or buying yet ANOTHER planner just to try and keep my head above water.

It meant taking PROVEN systems that WORK, and customizing them to fit my life and my family.

Unfortunately, I had to figure this out using a whole lot of trial and error (and wasting a LOT of time on systems that just don’t work).

Luckily for you, I’m here to share the EXACT step-by-step method to building your own personalized system that actually does WORK for you and your family.

So you can stop just “surviving” and start THRIVING!

This System Is For You If…

You’re ready to FINALLY reclaim your time and start feeling like yourself again
You want to show up as your BEST self for your family, your business and yourself
You’re tired of spinning your wheels, buying a new planner every month and STILL feeling overwhelmed
You want to achieve more, do less and FINALLY have some time for yourself


In the 4 Systems Course, you’ll learn how to ditch the mom guilt, beat the overwhelm and FINALLY take control of your roles (both in and out of the home!)

Packed with super practical tips, you can start taking action and feeling better IMMEDIATELY.

(While putting long-term strategies in place for future success!)

Inside The 4 Systems Course, You Will:

Make decisions for each system - me, food, family and work - that work for YOU.

Create a written plan for your new priorities, decisions and systems

Learn to block your day so you aren’t pulled in all directions

Create a new mindset to aid your new mental well-being

Make "key decisions" on who, what, when, where, and why you do your work

Set up boundaries and priorities to gain respect for your new plan

So you can enjoy life, achieve your goals and ditch the overwhelm- for good!

What Our Students Are Saying…

I’m so glad I decided to join The Encourager coaching group with Rebekah Scott! We are only halfway through our time together and I’m already seeing progress and clarity within my business and systems! Bekah radiates positivity and her enthusiasm is contagious! I leave every session feeling encouraged, empowered and the “I got this” spirit Bekah always talks about in her podcast. I am feeling so blessed to have had this opportunity and I cannot wait to continue this journey in our group!

Lauren Moran

When I started the Encourager course, I had no idea the impact it would have on business. I’ve see huge growth in my business these last few months as I’ve been able to feel more confident and focused in the direction I want my business to go! Rebekah has an amazing skill of refining the best qualities of you to better yourself as the business owner and all around visionary. I would highly recommend this group to those just starting up a business or one who’s established. There is something for every one!

Anna Weinstein

Being in the Encourager Mastermind group for the last four+ months has been inspiring and helpful to hear how others run their business and the struggles and successes they encounter. Rebekah really gets you to pay attention to how you are spending your time on both your home life and your business. She rallies next to you, helps to bring focus to your goals, and where you want to take them.

Emily Pearson



4 Video Trainings ($97 Value)

Key trainings to guide you through each step in your journey- and build out LASTING systems you can be proud of

Guided Worksheets ($54 Value)

Get clear actionable steps (and practical advice) based on YOUR needs- in an easy-to-follow format

The Me System ($27 Value)

Learn how to prioritize yourself, decide what you want and go after your goals

The Food System ($27 Value)

Stop the endless questions of “what’s for dinner”, and plan ahead for easy and nutritious meals

The Family System ($27 Value)

Build your family’s legacy by instating values, quality time and working together

The Work System ($27 Value)

Define where you want to work, what you want to do and who you want to impact- then go after it!

Lifetime Access ($27 Value)

Return to the course time and time again to reset your focus and prioritize your goals


Valued At $356

Only $97



More Praise From Our Students…

The Encourager Mastermind group came in to my life at the exact right moment. I was in the middle stages of expanding my mobile and online boutique into a brick and mortar location. I was excited, knew it was the right thing to do, but feelings of self doubt were crowding my thoughts and I began to doubt all of my decisions. Because of building the store, I had been more absent from my family and was also having a hard time balancing all the roles in my life. I was at a point where I needed help!

I am so happy that God placed the opportunity to join The Encourager Mastermind group in front of me. This group has helped me in more ways than I can fully express. The leadership that Rebekah has provided with this group has been amazing. She helps lead us to come up with systems, and processes that make sense for US in our lives and put them into practice. These systems and processes are not only for our businesses but also for our lives and families. Besides learning and working to develop these systems, we are held accountable to them by the group and our monthly meetings. Perhaps the absolute greatest thing about this group is the community of similar minded women that I am surrounded by. The encouragement, support, prayers, and energy received and given within this group is absolutely priceless. Navigating this journey of motherhood and entrepreneurship is hard, not many understand what you are going through. Because of this, it is such a blessing to have a group of women to chat with about all of these things, cheer you on, and share in your struggles and wins.

Chrystal Rothenberger




When You Join Our Program, We Guarantee You’ll Have A Major Breakthrough In The Way You Spend Your Time (And Free Up At LEAST 7 Hours Every Week) When You Follow Our System- Or Your Money Back!


About Your Coach

Hi, I’m Rebekah, and I know what it’s like to be busy!

Between running a business, running a home and being present as a mom, my calendar is full to bursting!

And yet, through practice, patience and the RIGHT systems, I’ve been able to free up time to go after my own goals and start ENJOYING life.

And now, I want to share this life-changing strategy with you!



4 Video Trainings ($97 Value)

Key trainings to guide you through each step in your journey- and build out LASTING systems you can be proud of

Guided Worksheets ($54 Value)

Get clear actionable steps (and practical advice) based on YOUR needs- in an easy-to-follow format

The Me System ($27 Value)

Learn how to prioritize yourself, decide what you want and go after your goals

The Food System ($27 Value)

Stop the endless questions of “what’s for dinner”, and plan ahead for easy and nutritious meals

The Family System ($27 Value)

Build your family’s legacy by instating values, quality time and working together

The Work System ($27 Value)

Define where you want to work, what you want to do and who you want to impact- then go after it!

Lifetime Access ($27 Value)

Return to the course time and time again to reset your focus and prioritize your goals


Valued At $356

Only $97